- ABS Strategies for Heavy Vehicles
Research aimed at improving the performance of ABS systems in heavy vehicles.
- Active Steering of Long Combination Vehicles
Work aimed at exploring the benefits gained by adding steering to long combination vehicles.
- Combined Steering and Braking Control
Integrating HGV trailer braking control and active steering to enhance vehicle stability
- Energy Efficiency of Vehicles
Research into the energy efficiency of long combination vehicles (LCVs) and the benefits of regenerative braking
- Load Measuring Mat and Weigh-in-Motion
The development of weigh-in-motion sensors and the TRG's Load Measuring mat. Multipl-sensor Weigh-in-motion technology.
- Longer Semitrailer Project
This project is building a longer semitrailer with the CVDC's active steering technology, in partnership with SDC, Tridec, Goodyear, Haldex and Wincanton.
- Traffic modelling
Simulation of traffic flows in order to predict changes to congestion and fuel consumption
- Vehicle Dynamics and Suspension Design
Research into the design of suspension for heavy vehicles by the CVDC
- Vehicle-Road Interaction
Research related to the dynamic interaction of vehicles with the road, and the results this interaction has on both the road and the vehicle.
- Vulnerable Road Users
Research into collision avoidance between low-speed HGVs and cyclists