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Cambridge Vehicle Dynamics Consortium


Publications on Slip-Control Braking

  1. Hardy, MSA and Cebon, D.  ‘Influence of heavy vehicle suspensions on ABS performance’  SAE Transactions 932990, 1993.
  2. Hardy, MSA and Cebon, D.  ‘An investigation of anti–lock braking strategies for heavy goods vehicles’  J. Auto. Eng, IMech E, Vol 209, No D4, pp 263–271, 1995.
  3. Kienhöfer, F, Miller, JI and Cebon, D.  ‘Design Concept for an Alternative Heavy Vehicle ABS System’, Vehicle System Dynamics, Volume 46, Issue S1 & 2 2008 , pp571-583,
  4. Miller, JI, Kienhöfer, F and Cebon, D.  ‘Design concept for an alternative heavy vehicle slip control brake actuator’.  Proc 10th International Symposium on Heavy Vehicle Transport Technology, Paris, 2008.  Best Paper Award.
  5. Miller, JI, Kienhöfer, F and Cebon, D.  ‘The Design and Evaluation of an Alternative Heavy Vehicle Braking System’, Proc 9th International Symposium on Advanced Vehicle Control, AVEC’08, 2008. Kobe, Japan.
  6. Miller, J.I. and Cebon, D.  ‘A high performance pneumatic braking system for heavy vehicles’,  Vehicle System Dynamics, VSD  Vol 48, No 1, pp 373 — 392, 2010.
  7. Miller, JI, and Cebon, D.  'An investigation of the effects of pneumatic actuator design on slip control for heavy vehicles', Vehicle System Dynamics, 2012, Preview manuscript DOI: .
  8. Henderson, L. and Cebon, D.  ‘The effects of tyre dynamics on slip control braking for heavy goods vehicles’  Proc 22nd  International Symposium on Dynamics of Vehicles on Roads and Tracks (IAVSD’11), Manchester, UK, August 2011.
  9. Henderson, L, Miller, JI and Cebon, D.  'A High Performance Slip Control Braking System for Heavy Goods Vehicles',  Proc AVEC 12, Korea, 2012.
  10. Henderson, L., Miller, J., Cebon, D., and Prescott, B., ‘Design and implementation of a high-bandwidth pneumatic actuator for heavy goods vehicles’, Presented at EuroBrake 2012, Dresden, 2012.
  11. Miller, JI, and Cebon, D. ‘Modelling and performance of a pneumatic brake actuator’  Proc IMechE,  J. Mech Eng Sci, Volume 226 Issue 8, pp 2076-2092, August 2012.  DOI:
  12. Miller, JI, and Cebon, D.  'An investigation of the effects of pneumatic actuator design on slip control for heavy vehicles', Vehicle System Dynamics, Vol 51, No 1, 2013, pp 139-164, DOI: .
  13. Miller, JI, Henderson L and Cebon, D., 'Designing and testing an advanced pneumatic braking system for heavy vehicles'.  IMechE J Mech Eng Sci, vol. 227 no. 8,  pp1715-1729, 2013,  DOI:
  14. Miller, JI, Flack, TJ and Cebon, D.  'Modelling the Magnetic Performance of a Fast Pneumatic Brake Actuator', ASME J. Dyn. Sys., Meas., Control 136(2), 021022 (Jan 15, 2014)

  15. Miller, JI and Cebon, D.  'Tyre Curve estimation in slip-controlled braking'  IMechE J Auto Eng, Published online before print June 10, 2015.

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