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Cambridge Vehicle Dynamics Consortium

  1. Cole, DJ, and Cebon, D.  ‘Modification of heavy vehicle suspension to reduce road damage’  J. Auto. Eng, IMech E, Vol 209, No D3, pp 183–194, 1995.
  2. Cole, DJ and Cebon, D.  ‘Truck suspension design to minimise road damage’  J. Auto. Eng, IMech E, Vol 210, No D2, pp95-107, 1996.  (IMechE Crompton Lanchester Award and IMechE Thomas Hawksley Gold medal)
  3. Cole, DJ and Cebon, D.  ‘Influence of tractor-trailer interaction on assessment of road-damaging performance’  J. Auto. Eng, Part D1, Vol 212, pp1-10, IMech E, 1998.
  4. Cole, DJ and Cebon, D.  ‘Front-rear interaction of a pitch-plane truck model'  Vehicle System Dynamics, 30, pp117-141, 1998.
  5. TT Fu and D Cebon,  ‘Predicting Fatigue Lives for Bi-Modal Stress Spectra’,  International Journal of Fatigue, 22 (2000), pp11-21, 1999.
  6. TT Fu and D Cebon,  ‘Analysis of a truck suspension database', Int. J. Heavy Vehicle Systems, Vol 9, No 4, pp281-297, 2002.
  7. TT Fu and D Cebon,  ‘Economic Evaluation and the Design of Vehicle Suspensions,  Int. J. Vehicle. Design, Vol. 31, No. 2, pp125-161, 2003.
  8. Odhams, AMC and Cebon, D.  ‘An analysis of ride coupling in automobile suspensions’ IMechE J Auto Eng.  Vol 220, No 8, pp 1041 - 1061, 2006.

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