Recent Publications from the CVDC
Henderson, L. and Cebon, D. ‘Full-scale testing of a novel slip control braking system for heavy vehicles’, IMechE, Part D: Journal of Automobile Engineering, 22 Jan, 2015. Accepted 7/8/2015. Published online before print:
Miller, JI and Cebon, D. 'Tyre Curve estimation in slip-controlled braking' IMechE J Auto Eng, Published online before print June 10, 2015.
Roebuck, RL, Odhams, AMC and Cebon, D. ‘An Automatically-Reconfigurable Software-Based Safety System for Rear-Steering Multi-Unit Vehicles’ IMechE J Auto Eng. Vol 229 No 2, pp143-162, 2015, doi:
Goodrum, WJ and Cebon, D. 'Synthesising Spatially Repeatable Tyre Forces from Axle Load Probability Distributions' IMechE Proceedings Part C, Journal of Mechanical Engineering Science, published online March 13, 2015 doi:
Wilson, G. Morrison, G. Midgley, W. Cebon, D. ‘Relationship between Heavy Vehicle Speed Limit and Fleet Fuel Consumption on Minor Roads’ IMechE Proceedings Part C, Journal of Mechanical Engineering Science, published online March 12, 2015
Roebuck, RL, Odhams, AMC, Tagesson, K, Cheng, C. Cebon, D.. ‘Implementation of trailer steering control on a multi-unit articulated vehicle at high speeds’ ASME Journal of Dynamic Systems, Measurement and Control, 136(2), 021016, 2014.
Miller, JI, Flack, TJ and Cebon, D. 'Modelling the Magnetic Performance of a Fast Pneumatic Brake Actuator', ASME J. Dyn. Sys., Meas., Control 136(2), 021022 (Jan 15, 2014)
Morrison, G, Roebuck, RL and Cebon, D. 'Effect of heavy vehicle size on traffic congestion', Proc IMechE J Mech Eng Sci, 2014, Vol. 228(6) 970–988, DOI:
Midgley, W, Cathcart, H, Cebon, D. 'Modelling of Hydraulic Regenerative Braking Systems for Heavy Vehicles' IMech E J Auto Eng, 2013, 227(7), pp1072-1084, 2013 DOI:
Jujnovich, BA and Cebon, D. ‘Path-following steering control for articulated vehicles’. ASME J. Dyn. Sys., Meas., Control Vol 135 Number 3, 031006 May 2013, 15pp DOI:
Miller, JI, Henderson L and Cebon, D., 'Designing and testing an advanced pneumatic braking system for heavy vehicles'. IMechE J Mech Eng Sci, vol. 227 no. 8, pp1715-1729, 2013, DOI: