Submitted by Administrator on Mon, 13/12/2010 - 11:26
Newly published work from the CVDC reveals that larger vehicle
configurations are always more energy efficient when fully loaded.
Although current trends in goods distribution are leaning towards
centralised dispatch using smaller, 4-axle rigid trucks, this method of
transportation was found to increase fuel consumption in an urban cycle
by 35% as compared with using longer combination vehicles. Running
partially laden vehicles increased fuel consumption per freight task by
as much as 65%. Despite popularity in other research and European
regulation, results from this study demonstrated that reducing
aerodynamic drag and increasing engine efficiency net relatively small
gains in fuel economy when compared with other factors, such as
increasing vehicle size and using regenerative braking.
Researchers validated a simulation of HGV fuel consumption without
expensive testing facilities using novel, simple, and common-sense
experimental tests. The benchmarked mathematical model predicted the
fuel consumption over a 4km drive cycle for a 37 tonne semi-trailer
combination to within 1.4%. Work within the CVDC on the issue of energy
efficient transportation is continuing to show which methods are
effective, and which are just hot air.
More information on continuing work within CVDC on regenerative
braking and other strategies for improving heavy vehicle energy
efficiency can be found on the Projects page.